Friday 20 August 2010

Health Is in Nature

by Roger B Rueda

Nature helps you cure your illness in natural way.

Have you heard of Kozo Enzyme? Well, it is a blend of food enzyme derived from pineapple, carica papaya, grapes, apple, and sugarcane extract that contains a rich source of enzymes which are needed for digestion, absorption, proper function, repair, and maintenance of our whole body (organs, tissues, cells). By supplying the needed enzymes, you normalise the function of all your vital organs, producing an energetic, vibrant life which is less susceptible to infection, diseases such as colds, coughs, and allergies like asthma, runny nose, watery eyes, which are due to certain sensitivities.

Kozo could also serve as preventive measure against diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, tuberculosis, rheumatism, arthritis, and otherwise. So, this supplement is good for you.

Each bottle contains 500 ml and can last for more than five years. Dr Kamekawa suggest that a patient take at least two table spoons of the enzyme twice a day. It is highly recommended by doctors. This product is now being exported to Taiwan and Japan.

All materials used for this drink are produced here in the Philippines.

'Filipinos are very intelligent. The Philippines is very good in terms of knowledge, school, and education. I just feel sad that after graduation, Filipinos leave for abroad to earn more and have a better life. ‘Sayang,’ they should have support from the government, so they do not have to leave. All the good students leave for abroad. It’s a waste. I encourage them to study more about enzymes. Enzymes have great potential to protect us from sickness and lessen our visit to the hospitals. They are young, they have more time to study enzymes further and develop them because they have so much potential. The resources are already here and available. The Philippines is very rich in natural resources. Study the microorganism, and help develop the Philippines economy,' cited Dr Tetsuo Kamekawa.

For more information or if you'd like to place an order for this supplement, ring 09068541933. Your health is in nature. Protect yourself from sickness now. This must be what you are looking for.

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