Sunday 5 September 2010

Some Vocables To Vocalise Your Viewpoints

an essay by Roger B Rueda

Today, I've put down for some of my preferred expressions to parlay or step your vocables up.

"Like billy-o" means "a lot or very quickly, strongly, etc." "The staff worked like billy-o to get the paper finished."

"Vice-like" (adjective) means "very tight." "He holds his tennis racket in a vice-like grip."

"Go like a bomb" means "to move very quickly." "His new car goes like a bomb."

"Drink like a fish" means "to drink too much alcohol." "Zenbie drank like a fish last night."

"Be like chalk and chees"—well, if two people are like chalk and cheese, they are completely different from each other. "My brother and I are like chalk and cheese."

"Drop like flies" has two meanings. One is if people are dropping like flies they are dying or falling down in large numbers. "The typhoon was overwhelming and people were dropping like flies." And, two, it means "to stop doing an activity in large numbers." "There used to be over twenty of us in our aerobics class but they're dropping like flies."

"I'd like to see..." is said to mean that you do not believe someone can do something. "He said women have an easier life than men, did he?—I'd like to see him bring up children and go to work at the same time."

"What are you like?" (also "What is she/he like?") is used when someone has said or done something silly. "Of course Patrice's only worry was whether her lipstick had smudged. ~Patrice! What is she like?"

"Sink like a stone means to fail completely. His latest novel sank like a stone."

"Spread like wildfire" is used if disease or news spreads like wildfire, it quickly affects or becomes known by more and more people. "Once one child in the school has chickenpox, it spreads like wildfire."

"Be a victory for common sense" means "to be a very reasonable result in a particular situation." "There is no doubt that the court's decision is a victory for common sense."

"Laugh like a drain" means "to laugh a lot, very loudly." "Bex laughed like a drain for the first time."

"Write something off" means "to damage a vehicle so badly that it cannot be repaired." "Walt's car was completely written off in the accident."

"Hostage to fortune" means "an action or statement that is risky because it could cause you trouble later." "The President is not cautious, saying a lot inflammatory and giving hostages to fortune."

"Scream/shout blue murder" means "to show your anger about something, especially by shouting or complaining very loudly." "Iver will scream blue murder if he doesn't get his way."

Happy Sunday!

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