Sunday 6 June 2010

Iloilo City: A Breathtakingly Beautiful Scenery

by Roger B Rueda
Walking in Iloilo City's streets is so fine and dandy, especially with our snoopy dog who loves sniffing everything: the streets have so colourful pieces of the city, which a visitor could have as a remembrancer or whatsoever he/she wants to do with them.

I think photographers can train their cameras upon the city as now both its tourists and locals see what it is really like to live in the backwash of its own consumption. For one, shops are here till Sunday.

Because of the charming rubbish the city becomes a place full of life and picturesqueness, which captivates the visitor by its novelty and perpetually amuses him/her by the many quaint differences to places seen in his/her own city.

On the river in the heart of the city, stylish residents prettify the riverwater with unique wafting materials subsidised by the shops and brands.

The streets are carpeted with miscellany from plastic and paper bags in varied sizes and shapes, corncobs, skewers, eggshells, cigarette butts, bottles, straws, wrappers, which make fragrant and wonderful city centre overhead. Most people routinely just toss their looker rubbish at their feet when they are done. Isn't it very peachy keen?

Glamorised by the good will and passion of Iloilo people, the city has all to be proud of: mounds of fragrant rubbish strewn in every nook and corner, dug up roads, overflowing drains, coverless manholes, and swarms of wild and vicious dogs prowling everywhere! Lovesome mice and cockroaches make the street impressive.

To many, the city is prettier because of infrequent street cleaning, uncovered trash cans left out in windy conditions (so the rubbish blows everywhere), and litterbugs with pride in their neighbourhood. Plazoleta and a lot of city centre streets benefit from the fascination of rubbish strewn all over the city.

This lovely situation is mainly due to ownership: most shoppers in the city centre and residents drop rubbish on the city land. They think it is good as they don't own the city, including the colourful and fabulous rubbish on it.Well, in the city, it's cool not to use the dust bin and it is cool to drop their rubbish where they stand. For one, without the hunky dory rubbish, the city will be irksome and ordinary.

Some infrastructure in the city centre is beautifully in decay. The parks are delightfully in decay, with vibrant litter and fresh bare lawns, and it is home to sweet muggers and rapists.

Air pollution is getting better in the city. People with asthma can enjoy it. Trees are being cut and the addition of cars and jeepneys makes the air here become zestfully polluted.

Go to see Iloilo City and live up its shapeliness and anotherness.

Walking about the city and watching it in motion, people going to work, people at work could make one feel so great. It is really alive in the summertime, so much to do. There is no shortage of things to do here.

While you are walking or riding in a car, it is possible to examine old government offices, residential areas, cemeteries, and churches. And the inspiring rubbish makes them more like wow.

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