Wednesday 25 September 2024

In the Spaces Between
a poem by Roger B. Rueda

It is only with
the heart that one sees clearly,
what is essential lies
beneath the skin of things,
in the quiet places the eye
cannot reach. Here, truth settles
like a whisper in the dark,
waiting for the heart to feel
its way toward it. The eyes
skim the surface, but the heart
knows what lingers in between—
the unsaid, the overlooked, the delicate
threads we barely notice,
woven into the air between words.
The heart catches what light
cannot show, sees
what is hidden in plain sight, like
a secret folded into the breeze.
It knows the pauses between
breaths, the weight of what is not
spoken. The heart, steady and sure,
feels what the eyes might miss—
the spaces in a smile, the flicker
of truth in the briefest glance. It holds
the silences, the untold stories,
and while the eyes
may falter, the heart carries
the deeper meaning, searching
for what is real, for the quiet truths
woven into the fabric of this world.